Presents an unconventional, but successful approach to controlling processes during production. It is a method by which the input variables of the process are controlled, instead of monitoring product output variables after the fact.
A full description of how to design Positrol Plans and Logs and how to implement in production is presented. It explains how Positrol Logs are used to provide and maintain traceability of process changes during production. It covers detailed implementation of Positrol Plans and Positrol Logs with a Solder Paste Printing process.
- Positrol Description
- Positrol Plan
- What important characteristics are entered in the Positrol Plan?
- Response Variables
- Independent Variables
- Setup Requirements
- Preventive Maintenance Requirements
- Replenish Materials
- Specification Limits
- How will the important characteristics be measured?
- Instructions
- Procedures
- Gauges
- Check (Visual) Inspection
- Statistical Test
- Specification Limits
- Who is responsible for controlling the characteristics?
- When will the characteristics be measured?
- What controls will be used for the characteristics?
- Who develops the Positrol?
- Which process should be under Positrol?
- Construction of Positrol Plans
- Electronic Pager - Solder Paste Screen Printer
- Transfer Knowledge to the Positrol Plan
- Response Variables
- Independent Variables
- Setup Requirements or Work Standard
- Preventive Maintenance Requirements
- Examples
- Corfin Automatic Tinning - Positrol Plan
- Wafer Back Grinder - Positrol Plan
- Axial Inserter - Positrol Plan
- Wave Solder - Positrol Plan
- Mix Meter - Positrol Plan
- AMS 1000 - Positrol Plan
- Nitride Deposition - Positrol Plan
- Positrol Logs
- Positrol Logs Description
- Frequency of sampling
- Action
- Traceability Information
- Construction of Positrol Logs
- Solder Paste Screen Printer - Positrol Log