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Lean Principles integrated with Six Sigma

'Lean' Translates into Waste Reduction
The objective of "Lean" is to remove or reduce "Muda" (non-value-added) waste from the manufacturing process. Waste is anything that does not contribute to the creation of value for the customer. "Lean" allows you to do more with less. Reduce cost while increasing productivity and delivering great value to your customers.
Lean Manufacturing Practices
Lean Application
Lean Manufacturing
(Demand-Based Flexible Manufacturing)

Demand-Based Production
Visual Controls
One-Piece Flow
Kanban Systems
Operational Cycle-Time
Variation Reduction and Six Sigma Quality
Defect & Waste Elimination
5S Lean
Lean Japanese Practices
Lean Application
Toyota Production System
Lean Manufacturing Objective: To Eliminate Waste

Just In Time (JIT)
Kanban (Sign, Index Card)
Muda (Waste)
Heijunka (Production Smoothing)
Andon (Signboard)
Poka-Yoke (Yokeru-to avoid, Poka-Errors)
Jidoka (Autonomation)
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
Kanban Drill Pistons
Waste or Muda
Lean Application
Waste Reduction

Seven types of Muda or Waste:

Inventory or Work-In-Progress (WIP)
Transportation or Conveyance
Processing Waste
Not Right the First Time (Defects)
Lean Application
Benefits of Implementing Lean
Benefits of Lean
(Short-Cycle Manufacturing, Costs, Flexibility, Quality and Delivery)

Reduce Operational Cycle-Time
Reduce Work-in-Progress
Reduce Inventory Costs
Reduce Interest Costs
Reduce Storage Space: Raw Materials, Finish Goods, Packaging Materials...
Reduce Raw Material Costs
Improve Quality
Reduce Scrap
Reduce Rework
Reduce Overhead
Improve Labor Efficiency
Improve On-Time Delivery
Complete Customer Satisfaction